Window Safety for Kids
Window Safety for Children
Window Safety
This news emphasize the importance of window safety; Children are admitted to hospital each year, with serious injuries, as a result of falling from a window or balcony. These falls often happen in the child’s own home, over the warmer months when families leave windows and doors to balconies, open both during the day and at night.
Children aged from one to five years are most at risk, as they are naturally curious, but lack the ability to recognise danger.
TGP Safety Systems for your Children and Home
How are children injured?
–Children may fall out of windows if they are able to climb on furniture to reach the window, or if they are jumping or playing on a bed near an open window.
-Injuries resulting from children falling from windows range from cuts and bruises to head injuries, broken limbs and even death.
–Children can fall out of a window which is open more than 12.5cm, even if a fly screen is present.
-Beds and other furniture should be kept away from windows, so that children cannot climb up to windows.
–Children should be taught to play away from windows.
-Where possible, open windows from the top.
-Do not rely on flyscreens to prevent a child from falling out of a window.
-All windows, where the floor level below the window is 2m above ground level, should have window locks/latches fitted to stop them opening more than 12.5cm, or guards should be installed to protect the opening.
–Children should always be supervised.