What is the range?
In the system where thr opening reach 6000 mm;
- module widths are between 1900-2000 mm
- mın. Openıng is accepted as 3000 mm
- the interım steel is 50 x 150 x 3 mm
- the front side is applied with drain and bearing.
- the back steel is 80 x 80 x 3 mm
In the system from 6000 to 10000 mm; - module wıdths should be 1600 mm
- the interim steel dimension is 100 x 200 x 4mm
- 120 x 120 x 3 mm steel is applied on front and the drain is placed at outer sıde
- 100 x 100 x 3mm steel is used for bearıngs
- the water outlet is achieved through alumınum boxes (60x60x2)
Which are placed at outher sıde - the back steel is 100 x 100 x 3 mm
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